Favorite Cities In Minnesota To Take Pictures In.

So sometimes you don't have the money to travel very far. Its always a good idea to try and find places in the state/area you are in for photography opportunities. Today i'll share five of my favorite cities to take pictures in. 

#1. Duluth, MN
Image result for duluth minnesota on map                        
One of the places everyone goes when they visit Duluth, is the  lift bridge. Although it is very popular and there are so many pictures of it, personally I still enjoy getting a cool picture of it. 

At my last visit to Duluth i got lucky enough to see one of the big freight boats leaving Duluth. When the boat was passing through it honked its horn, I've never heard so many old ladies  curse at the same time before. It was incredibly loud.  ha. 

The rocky shore and one of the famous lighthouses. 

                                       Here is a view of the city from one of the lighthouses. 

#2 Grand Marais
Image result for grand marais minnesota on map

Grand Marais is a really cool town on the shore of Lake Superior. There are a lot of tourist stores and attractions. 
Personally I really enjoyed walking around the town. There was a really cool book store, art/antique shops, pizzerias and plenty of other places.  The harbor there was gorgeous as well. 

 The beautiful harbor, town and the random duck. 

#3 The boundary waters 
Image result for boundary waters park minnesota on map

The boundary waters were amazing. At the park there is a path that leads to different parts of the waters, This picture was taken at the top. From there you can see Canada, the park is right at the border between the U.S. and Canada. 

#4 Gooseberry Falls
Image result for gooseberry falls map

Ah good ol gooseberry falls. A very popular tourist destination in Minnesota. It definitely has good reason too, the several levels of the falls are gorgeous. These two pictures are of the biggest ones but farther down the river there is more. 

#5 Temperance River State Park 

Image result for temperance river map

 The temperance river is amazing, it flows into lake superior but before it does there is an amazing rocky cove

Until next time, 


p.s. I took all of these pictures with my camera, Canon rebel T3i


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